Dental Student Profile

Vanessa Chang portrait

Hunt School of Dental Medicine Student Profile: Vanessa Chang

"I’m so honored to be part of the inaugural class at the Hunt School of Dental Medicine. It’s exciting to be part of a new dental school while also creating access to dental care in the El Paso community."

Tell us a little about your background. Where did you grow up? Where did you go to school?

I was born in South Korea and moved with my family to a suburb near Minneapolis, Minnesota, when I was seven years old. I attended the University of Minnesota and earned my bachelor's degree in biology and my master's degree in public health.

Who or what moment inspired you to go into dentistry?

One day I walked into the store to grab a few things and smiled at the cashier as I checked out. She nodded in acknowledgment, said "hello" and quickly closed her lips over her teeth. I remember noticing that her front tooth was discolored and crooked, and she was missing a lower front tooth. She didn't say much during our encounter, and I didn't know her circumstances, but I remember vividly wishing I could do something that would put a smile on her face.

Later, when shadowing at a dental clinic, I met a patient with tooth pain. The doctor recommended a root canal and crown, but her insurance would only cover extractions. She looked defeated because she wanted to save her tooth but couldn’t afford the root canal and crown. She cried during the extraction.

I’m passionate about health care equity and reducing oral health disparities because of stories like these and because of my interest in public health.  I believe I’ll make a real difference in underserved communities as a dentist.

Why is the Hunt School of Dental Medicine the best place for you?

The value and mission of the school align with my values and goals. I appreciate the strong emphasis on equipping students to be competent dentists and culturally competent clinicians to bring high-quality dentistry to underserved communities.

What are your interests and hobbies?

I enjoy playing the violin, learning new things and staying active by running, practicing yoga and hiking in the Franklin Mountains. I’m a mom of two young kids, so I spend my free time with family. We like to explore new playgrounds and parks, watch movies, make arts and crafts, and travel when we can. Our favorite movie is Encanto, and we watch it in Spanish as we’re learning the language as a family.

What is something about you people might not know?

I went to a yearly check-up in college and pointed out a bump near my ear. The doctor didn't seem concerned, but the bump was still there six months later. The doctor still was not concerned, but I insisted on more follow-up. After several visits with various specialists, the final diagnosis was a parotid gland tumor, which was very unusual for someone my age. I had surgery to remove the tumor, and the surgeon had to excise a large part of my parotid gland. During my first semester, I learned about the parotid gland, anatomy and physiology, which helped me fully understand and appreciate the complexity of my surgery.

What do you like most about El Paso, or do you find unique about the region? 

I like the culture; I enjoy learning about the unique mix of cultures between the two sister cities. I also really like the food El Paso has to offer. The best burritos and tacos I've ever had!


Dental Student Profile


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