Dental Student Profile

Michelle McAden portrait

Hunt School of Dental Medicine Student Profile: Michelle McAden

“The Hunt School of Dental Medicine offers an innovative curriculum, the perfect class size, amazing faculty and faculty involvement, and early clinical experiences. Above all, it provides us the opportunity to help those who will benefit right from the start.”

Tell us a little about your background. Where did you grow up? Where did you go to school?

I grew up in the Woodlands area near Houston. My mom is from South Korea, and my dad grew up in the Fort Worth area. I got the best of both worlds because I had the opportunity to have a mixed heritage with aspects from both my mom’s Asian culture and my dad’s American culture.

Who or what moment inspired you to go into dentistry?

My dad is a doctor, so I grew up with an appreciation for health care and the good it can do for people. Dentistry wasn’t really on my radar until I went on a medical mission trip to Haiti with my dad. I saw how many people came in with toothaches. It was sobering to encounter these patients, who had apparent oral health issues, and realize that aside from prescribing pain killers and antibiotics, we could do nothing to help them. That’s when I realized just how underrated dentistry is and how vital a dentist’s job can be. I promised myself that the next time I went to Haiti, I’d have the knowledge and skillset to do something truly meaningful and lasting to help these patients in need of dental care.

What will be the most satisfying part of dental school?

Literally putting a smile on someone’s face by addressing their oral health needs.

How does it feel to be part of the inaugural class at the Hunt School of Dental Medicine?

The class is like a family. Everyone is so supportive of one another, and I can honestly say that I’ve made lifelong friends. Everyone will be invited to my wedding one day, including my professors.

Do you have any mentors who have helped you along the way?

I had the opportunity to work for Drs. Gregory and Chantal Ellis from Ellis Endodontics in Conroe, Texas. I could go on and on about how much they’ve taught me and have helped me over the years. They shared the different aspects of dentistry, allowed me to shadow and observe, and coached me through my dental school applications and testing. 

What are your interests and hobbies?

I’m a huge gym junkie, and I love working out and weightlifting. I’m also an animal person, and my two pups, Hana and Slippers, are hands-down the cutest dogs in the world, and you can’t convince me otherwise. Going home to the two of them after a full day of class is the highlight of my day.

What challenges have made you who you are?

I was diagnosed with ADHD in high school, and not to sound dramatic, but it felt like the world was ending. I hated the idea of being told I had a learning disability. After I received my diagnosis, I felt that having ADHD meant that I was inferior or somehow “less” than my peers. In hindsight, I realize I was overthinking things and made things out to be a lot bigger or more serious than they were.

What do you like most about El Paso, or do you find unique about the region? 

I love the mountains and the dry weather! Coming from the Houston area, where it’s humid, it’s nice to experience the El Paso weather. One other thing, the Mexican food here is so much better than I ever imagined.


Dental Student Profile


Dental Student Profile