Sexual Assault Safety Tips

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The Texas Tech Police Department aims to provide a safe and secure environment to live, learn, and educate.

We would like to share some safety tips regarding sexual assault to help ensure our faculty, staff, students and campus visitors experience a positive work and educational experience at TTUHSC El Paso.

Staying Safe:

Remember, sexual assault can happen to anyone. Each member of the TTUHSC El Paso community has the responsibility to create and maintain a safe and respectful environment for all individuals. 

You can help reduce the risk of sexual assault by being an active bystander and watching out for the safety of others. While not all crimes of sexual violence are alike, the following information may be helpful:

  • Perpetrators of sexual assault are often more likely to assault someone they know, rather than a stranger. The perpetrator, not the survivor, is responsible for any instance of sexual assault.

  • Consent: Anyone initiating any kind of sexual contact with another person must obtain their consent. Consent is an agreement or permission expressed through mutually understandable words or actions actively communicated to all parties involved. Consent cannot be given by someone who is incapacitated due to the use of alcohol and/or drugs or is asleep. Consent can be withdrawn at any time and cannot be assumed. Consent cannot be coerced or compelled by force, threat, deception, or intimidation.

  • Personal Safety: Perpetrators may use social media to meet potential victims. Be cautious about what you share and how you use social media. Perpetrators often use drugs and/or alcohol to target potential victims. Date-rape drugs are tasteless, colorless, odorless, can be ingested in a multitude of forms, and their effects are not immediately apparent. Be cautious of any substance you are drinking, eating, or inhaling that you have not personally prepared and has not remained in your constant control.

  • Bystander Intervention: Look out for your friends and be aware of potentially unsafe situations. If you go somewhere alone, tell someone you trust where you are going, whom you will be with, and when you expect to return. If you see someone in trouble, safely intervene or call the police immediately. If you are concerned about getting in trouble if you call the police or report an incident to the university, be aware that the state of Texas and the university have amnesty policies that can protect those who report misconduct to the university, contact law enforcement, or seek medical assistance for unsafe or emergency situations. Details about the university amnesty policy can be found in the Institutional Student Handbook.


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