Dental Student Profile

Cassandra Salas portrait

Hunt School of Dental Medicine Student Profile: Cassandra Salas

“Graduating and becoming a practicing dentist is my goal, but I think what I learn about myself along the way at the Hunt School of Dental Medicine will be the most valuable experience in reaching my potential as a clinician.”

Tell us a little about your background. Where did you grow up? Where did you go to school?

I’m a native El Pasoan and am proud to have stayed and received all my education in my hometown. I graduated from Loretto Academy and received my bachelor’s degree in biological sciences from the University of Texas at El Paso. I also received my master’s degree in biomedical sciences at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso’s Francis Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences.

Who or what moment inspired you to go into dentistry?

While I don’t know if I ever had that “Aha!” moment, my parents said I first showed interest in becoming a dentist at about six years old, and I haven’t changed my mind. I worked as a dental assistant for five years, and now that I’m in dental school, I learn something new about dentistry every day. I’m constantly reminded why I love this profession so much.

Why is the Hunt School of Dental Medicine the best place for you?

I could easily say the opportunity to stay in my hometown is what makes the Hunt School of Dental Medicine the best place for me. However, this school is so much more than that. The innovative curriculum, amazing faculty and advanced technology clinic are all aspects of this school that will make me the best clinician I can be.

How does it feel to be part of the inaugural class at the Hunt School of Dental Medicine?

Being a part of the inaugural class feels incredibly special. Out of over 900 applicants, they chose only 40. I’m grateful every day that the admissions team believed in me and allowed me to be a part of history in this way. It’s exciting to be a part of the first class ever at such a new and innovative school, and I get to do it all here in my own backyard!

Do you have any mentors who have helped you along the way?

I had the wonderful opportunity to work with a few local dentists along the way to dental school. I worked with Dr. Roger M. Ortiz for nearly five years. He served as my mentor, teaching me various aspects of owning a private practice. Dr. David M. Rizk allowed me to shadow him and has always kept his door open to help since I graduated from high school. Finally, Dr. Iseoluwa Adedeji trained me as a dental assistant at the El Paso Veterans Affairs Dental Clinic. She taught me integral parts of dentistry and how to treat the rest of the team in a dental office.

What are your interests and hobbies?

Although there will be little time for hobbies in the next four years, I enjoy spending time with my family, indoor cycling and traveling. I love traveling to new places, but I still have my favorites, including New York City, Walt Disney World and anywhere in Mexico.

Do you have any family you would like to mention?

My parents, Rafael and Cristina Salas, and my sister Cristina Salas, have always encouraged me never to give up. I have never felt like I couldn’t achieve whatever I put my mind — and hard work — to, and if it weren’t for my family, I would not be where I am today. I’m extremely grateful for their support, and I’m so lucky I get to go through dental school with them by my side.

What do you like most about El Paso, or what do you find unique about the region?

El Paso is my home, and there are so many reasons to love it, including the people, the Mexican culture and the food. Another aspect that can’t go unmentioned is the scenery, another perk of staying in El Paso for dental school. The student lounge windows appropriately face the beautiful Franklin Mountains. There’s a sense of comfort here. I’ve traveled to many places around the world, but my heart always remains here in El Paso.


ERS Summer Enrollment 2022


Dental Student Profile