
Faculty Essentials Live: Institutional Faculty Development Program (IFDP) XXIII
“Decoding AI for Non-Techies: Insights into AI and Generative Technologies,” presented by Michele C. Williams-Burns, Ed.D., M.S., M.Ed., Arturo Castillo, M.S., Ron Graham, CIS, CISSP, CISA, CRISP, and Raul Alvarez, M.S.

Faculty Essentials Live: Institutional Faculty Development Program (IFDP) XXIII
“Crafting Medical Manuscripts: A Stress-Free Guide,” presented by Narges Khanjani, M.D., Ph.D

Faculty Essentials Live: Institutional Faculty Development Program (IFDP) XXIII
"Research Portal: Your Gateway to Resources, Knowledge, and How To…," presented by Deborah J. Clegg, Ph.D., and Roberto Galindo, Ph.D.

Faculty Essentials Live: Institutional Faculty Development Program (IFDP) XXIII
"Identifying Predatory Journals in Health Care Fields," presented by Lisa Beinhoff, Ph.D., M.L.S., AHIP.

Faculty Essentials Live: Institutional Faculty Development Program (IFDP) XXIII
"Nutrition for Health Care Professionals: Prioritizing Your Health in a Busy Lifestyle," presented by Allison A. Childress, Ph.D., RDN, CSSD, LD, CI-CPT.

Faculty Essentials Live: Institutional Faculty Development Program (IFDP) XXIII
“Responding to IRB Stipulations in iRIS,” presented by Myrna Arvizo.

Faculty Essentials Live: Institutional Faculty Development Program (IFDP) XXIII
"iRIS Application: Creation and Submission," presented by Myrna Arvizo.

Faculty Essentials Live: Institutional Faculty Development Program (IFDP) XXIII
"Does Obesity Management Require Medication?" presented by Nikhil Dhurandhar, Ph.D.

Faculty Essentials Live: Institutional Faculty Development Program (IFDP) XXIII
“End Note Resources,” presented by Amanda Rodriguez, M.L.S., AHIP.

Faculty Essentials Live: Graduate Medical Education (GME)
"Putting Out the Fire: Unlocking a New Set of Tools to Mitigate and Prevent Burnout," presented by Sarah K. Walker, M.D., FACS.

Faculty Essentials Live: Undergraduate Medical Education (UME)
"Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Simulation for Medical Education," presented by Scott Crawford, M.D., FACEP, CHSOS.

Faculty Essentials Live: Institutional Faculty Development Program (IFDP) XXIII
"Accessing Library Resources and Bibliometrics," presented by Travis Real, M.L.I.S., AHIP, and Annie Hackler.

Faculty Essentials Live: Institutional Faculty Development Program (IFDP) XXIII
"Continuous Excellence: Integrating Quality Assurance and Performance Enhancement," presented by Sadhana Chheda, M.D.

Institutional Faculty Development Program (IFDP) XXIII
"QPR Certification and Suicide Prevention Training," presented by Christal Tucker, LCSW, and Adiel Holguin, M.Ed., LPC.

Faculty Essentials Live: Institutional Faculty Development Program (IFDP) XXIII
Panel Discussion: “Mentoring Scholarly Activity and Research Program (SARP) Students,” presented by Jessica Chacon, Ph.D., Nathan Holland, Ph.D., and Sheralyn Sanchez, Ph.D., M.P.H.

Faculty Essentials Live: Graduate Medical Education
“Physician Burnout,” presented by Sarah K. Walker, M.D., FACS.

Institutional Faculty Development Program XXIII
"Kickoff: Program Overview and Housekeeping," presented by Zuber D. Mulla, Ph.D.

IFDP XXII Need to Know in Nursing Education
"Competency-Based Strategies and Tools That Support Evaluation in the Nursing Classroom, Laboratory, and Clinical Setting," presented by Gerry Altmiller, Ed.D., APRN, ACNS-BC, ANEF, FAAN.

IFDP XXII Need to Know in Nursing Education
"Mapping the Curriculum for Competency-Based Education Aligned With the AACN Essentials," presented by Gerry Altmiller, Ed.D., APRN, ACNS-BC, ANEF, FAAN.

Leadership Development Academy III
"The Multidimensional Trainee: Case Examples," presented by Armando Meza, M.D.

Institutional Faculty Development Program XXII
"Leadership Mentoring in Nursing Faculty Development," presented by Vicki Moran, Ph.D., R.N., M.S.N./M.P.H., CNE, CDE, PHNA-BC, TNS.

Leadership Development Academy III
"The ACGME Leadership Competencies," presented by Armando Meza, M.D.

Institutional Faculty Development Program XXII
“Designing and Facilitating Simulation Activities," presented by Scott Crawford, M.D., FACEP, CHSOS, and Stormy Monks, Ph.D. M.P.H., CHES.

Institutional Faculty Development Program (IFDP) XXII
“Peer Resident Research Mentoring Project and Research Advancement Initiative," presented by Kahtan Fadah, D.O.

Institutional Faculty Development Program (IFDP) XXII
"The Ethical Considerations of Digital Data in Epidemiology and Public Health," presented by Jennifer Salerno, M.Sc., Ph.D.

Leadership Development Academy III
"Introduction to Distributive and Integrative Negotiations in Practice," presented by Rubini Pasupathy, Ph.D., M.B.A., FACHE.

Leadership Development Academy
"Multilevel Strategic Planning at TTUHSC El Paso," presented by Christiane Herber-Valdez, Ed.D., Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs, and Oliana Alikaj-Fierro, Ph.D., M.B.A. Senior Managing Director Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness.

Leadership Development Academy (LDA) III
“Research During Residency: A Practical Guide," presented by Armando Meza, M.D.

Institutional Faculty Development Program (IFDP) XXII
"Creating Effective Surveys," presented by Zuber D. Mulla, Ph.D., and Raul Alvarez, B.S.

Leadership Development Academy (LDA) III
"Bedside Teaching Pearls to Enhance Your Clinical Teaching," presented by Maureen Francis, M.D., FACP.